Your donation will go toward the fabrication, transportation, and setup of the pillars in Marfa. This includes all materials, assembly equipment, lighting, solar panels, batteries, concrete and steel bases needed for safety, and the labor of a few really nice hardworking artists.


Stela Arts is sponsored by Fractured Atlas




$5,000   PATRON

$12,000 (and up)   BENEFACTOR



"Artist Jason WA Tucker transforms the art of the figure into an inspired invocation of alien presence: a pattern place deep in the universal mind where magical sigil, extraterrestrial code, and cosmic cartoon fuse and inform. Rock art of the distant future, when even the rocks have learned to communicate."

- Erik Davis, author of Techgnosis, and The Visionary State: A Journey through California's Spiritual Landscape




Actual Contact is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non‐profit arts service organization.  Contributions for the charitable purposes of Actual Contact must be made payable to “Fractured Atlas” only.  Fractured Atlas is a 501(c)(3) public charity.  Contributions for the purposes of Actual Contact are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.



Stela Arts
415 451 1821
American Steel Studios, 1960 Mandela Pkwy, Oakland CA 94607