"The impish designs of Actual Contact transform the art of the figure into an inspired invocation of alien presence: a pattern place deep in the universal mind where magical sigil, extraterrestrial code, and cosmic cartoon fuse and inform. Rock art of the distant future, when even the rocks have learned to communicate."
Erik Davis, author of Techgnosis, and The Visionary State: A Journey through California's Spiritual Landscape
WENDELYN TUCKER Artist • B.F.A. in Fine Arts from California College of Arts and Crafts in San Francisco. Wendy has worked with both sculpture and painting. Wendy has exhibited her glass and clay sculptures in New York and California. The Light Pillars project has been going since 2008.
JASON WA TUCKER Artist, Writer, and Film Editor • B.F.A. in Mass Communication from Emerson College in Boston. Jason was the Supervising Editor on the critically acclaimed and Emmy Award winning Star Wars: The Clone Wars. A member of the American Cinema Editors, A.C.E., with over a decade of experience in episodic television and feature films. Jason's Actual Contact project has been going for many years, with art cards distributed in many countries around the globe. He's exhibited in Los Angeles, San Jose, Oakland, and San Francisco. The Light Pillars project has been going since 2008.
Stela Arts • San Francisco • 415.451.1821